Predicting height growth in bean plants using non-linear and polynomial models
Growth curve. Logistics. Regression.Resumo
Brazil has stood out worldwide as one of the main producers and consumers of beans, which makes their cultivation important for the economic and social development of the country. As the bean plant has a short growth cycle, its modeling is essential for optimizing management plans for this crop. This modeling can be performed by linear and non-linear models, but the latter have stood out for providing more information to the researcher, mainly due to the practical interpretation of their parameters. In this sense, in the R statistical software, the third-degree linear polynomial model and the Logistic and Gompertz non-linear models were adjusted to height data, in centimeters, in relation to time, in days after emergence, totaling 11 observations. As criteria to assess the quality of the fit, the adjusted coefficient of determination, the corrected Akaike information criterion and the residual standard deviation were used. The logistic model best fitted the data.
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