Silicate fertilization in semi-hydroponic strawberry cultivation


  • Jose Augusto Pereira Neto Augusto IFSULDEMINAS - Campus Machado
  • Juvenal Rodrigues da Silva Júnior
  • Denis Antônio Rocha Júnior
  • Fhilipe Cogo Andrade
  • Luis Lessi dos Reis
  • Jonathan Ribeiro de Araújo



Fragaria x ananassa, substrate, nutrient solution, production, quality


Strawberry-producing technologies are rapidly developing for the cultivation of small red fruits. The Southern Minas Gerais
stands out in Brazil’s production. In this context, the search for production improvements via nutrition and quality maintenance
is indispensable for cultivation. This study aimed to evaluate how different silicon doses can influence the production and
quality of strawberry fruits from national and imported seedlings. For the experiment, strawberry seedlings from the ‘San
Andreas’ cultivar, of national and Chilean origins, were used. The plants were grown in a semi-hydroponic system and
corresponding silicon doses (0, 500, 1000, 1500 and 3000 mg L−1) were tested via foliar application. A split-plot design was
used, in a 5×2 factorial scheme, with four replications and 10 plants per plot. By physical and physicochemical evaluations,
alterations in the production and quality of the fruits were analyzed. The foliar application of silicon – to complement the
strawberry nutrition – did not increase the productivity or quality of the fruits, regardless of the nationality of the seedlings.
The only difference regarding origin was associated the vigor of plants.


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Como Citar

Augusto, J. A. P. N., Júnior, J. R. da S., Júnior, D. A. R., Andrade, F. C., Reis, L. L. dos ., & de Araújo, J. R. (2023). Silicate fertilization in semi-hydroponic strawberry cultivation. Revista Agrogeoambiental, 15(unico), e20231791.