Residual herbicides applied to common bean cultivars on maize yield in succession


  • Júlia Carvalho Costa Universidade Federal de Lavras
  • Silvino Guimarães Moreira Universidade Federal de Lavras
  • Antonio Henrique Fonseca de Carvalho Universidade Federal de Lavras
  • Diego Rafael Quispe Torres Universidade Federal de Lavras
  • Christiane Augusta Diniz Melo Universidade Federal de Lavras



Zea mays L. Carryover. Sowing period


Crop rotation is one of the key strategies for sustainable production, as it helps to reduce the need for pesticides by minimizing problems with pests, diseases, and weeds. However, in Brazil, crop succession remains predominant, particularly with maize being grown following soybean or common bean. Given the introduction of increasingly productive and early maturing maize cultivars over the past decade, coupled with the restricted availability of herbicides for controlling eudicots weeds in common bean crops, leading producers have resorted to using mixtures of active ingredients. Consequently, there arises a necessity for studies to assess the carryover effects of these mixtures in succession crops. This work was developed with the objective of evaluating the residual effect of herbicides applied in common bean cultivars on maize, during two cultivation periods. The split-plot statistical design with four replications was adopted. In the main plots, the common bean cultivars BRS Pérola, IPR Tuiuiú, and BRSMG Marte were planted in the summer season of 2016/2017 and in the winter season of 2017. In the subplots, post-emergence herbicides were applied, isolated or mixed, at the following rates [g a.i. ha-1]: fomesafen [250]; fomesafen [375]; bentazon + imazamox [600+28]; bentazon + imazamox + fomesafen [(600+28)+125]; bentazon + imazamox + fomesafen [(600+28)+87.5]; and hand weeded plots without herbicide. DKB 390PRO maize was planted in the winter season and summer season, after the common bean harvest. The herbicides did not cause negative effects on maize yield, regardless of the sowing period and common bean cultivar.


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Como Citar

Carvalho Costa, J. ., Guimarães Moreira, S. ., Fonseca de Carvalho, A. H. ., Quispe Torres, D. R. ., & Diniz Melo, C. A. (2024). Residual herbicides applied to common bean cultivars on maize yield in succession. Revista Agrogeoambiental, 16(unico), e20241919.