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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice or Microsoft Word document file format.
  • O texto segue o que estabelecem as Diretrizes para Autores da Revista?
  • O trabalho foi aprovado pelo comitê de ética e biossegurança da instituição, quando necessário?
  • Antes de finalizar seu trabalho, você checou a consistência dos dados que informam seus argumentos? Comparou os objetivos com os resultados alcançados? A redação do texto está clara, sem ambiguidades textuais?
  • Você leu, compreendeu e concordou com as políticas editoriais da Revista Agrogeoambiental?

Author Guidelines


Revista Agrogeoambiental publishes only original scientific papers, not simultaneously submitted to other journals.


Revista Agrogeoambiental publishes original scientific papers in fields of Agronomy, Ecology, Agricultural Engineering, Forest Engineering, Geology, Geomathematics, Forestry and Animal Science.

Types of contribution

Revista Agrogeoambiental receives manuscripts, preferably, from doctoral researchers or written with the co-authorship of doctoral researchers affiliated to national and international scientific institutions.

This Journal publishes manuscripts in the following formats:

- Scientific article: a complete report of experimental work. The text should represent a process of cohesive scientific investigation and ensure its understanding, with a coherent exposition of the information, in order to allow the reproduction of the experiment. Must be between 11 and 15 pages.

- Short Communication: it is also a complete report of experimental work, however it is shorter in its format. It should present the same quality and importance criteria than the scientific article. It must present a significant contribution to the areas related to this journal. Must be between 8 and 10 pages.


Revista Agrogeoambiental accepts submissions in Portuguese, English and Spanish. However, if your paper is approved for publication and it is written in Portuguese or Spanish, it is mandatory to translate it to English. The translation should be done by a specialist with a deep knowledge of the area vocabulary; a certification should be sent by the translator.

Should the author want, Revista Agrogeoambiental might suggest some specialists in translating. However, it is important to stress Revista Agrogeoambiental does not have a partnership or any kind of relationship with those business, the responsibility is entirely of the author.


The manuscript shall be sent via the website:

Revista Agrogeoambiental is published quarterly, in the months of March, June, September and December. If approved for publication, the paper will be published in one of those regular editions.

The papers are scheduled to be published according to the order of approval.

Policy against plagiarism and improper research conduct

Aiming to preserve the quality of our publications and guarantee the integrity of the content widespread by Revista Agrogeoambiental, it is suggested to the authors to access the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) website:, which provides information on plagiarism, improper practices, fraud and possible ethics violations.

Revista Agrogoeambiental submits all manuscripts to tools capable of detecting plagiarism before sending them to double blind peer review. We use the following tool:

Manuscript Structure

* Title: It should be precise and informative, with no more than 15 words; only the first letter of the sentence should be capitalized or when grammar rules demand it.

* Subtitles: Use Times New Roman font at 12 points, bold; capitalize only the first letter of it; use double-space. Do not enumerate.

* Authorship: It should be done by each author and present the following information:

Full name. Institution, affiliation with the institution. E-mail. Address.

That information is required by all authors listed.

It is accepted no more than six authors by paper.

Authors and coauthors are equally responsible for the manuscript; therefore, coauthors are held responsible for all information presented. Before including a coauthor, verify their intellectual contribution.

Contributions such as financial support and data entry should be mentioned in the Acknowledgments section, but they do not characterize co-authorship.

Note: After the approval for publication, it is not allowed to include or change authors in the paper.

* Abstract: It should be clear and concise and it should not exceed 250 words. The abstract should contain the paper aim, the methods and the most relevant results and conclusions.
* Keywords: the authors should present from 3 to 6 terms, capitalized and separated by a dot. It should not repeat title words.
* Introduction: it must provide a reason for the study, state the importance of the scientific problem to be solved and present its relation with other published works on the subject.
* Material and methods: it must present the description of the locale, the date and the design of the experiment as well as indicate treatments, number of repetitions and size of the experimental units. Material and methods should be described in such a way that another researcher may reproduce the experiment.
* Results and discussion: All data presented in table and figures should be discussed. New findings should be compared with knowledge previously obtained.
* Conclusions: It should present the research new findings. Sentences should be short, without further comments; the verb must be in the simple present tense.
* Acknowledgments: (if there is any) - They must be brief, beginning with "To the" (persons or institutions). It must explain the reason for the acknowledgment.
* References: All references used in the text should be listed. They must be presented in alphabetical order for the author´s surname and edited according to ABNT NBR 6023:2002 guidelines.

All authors of each work must be listed in the references. Do not use “et al.”

Citations in the text should always be followed by their year of publication, in accordance to NBR 10520:2002 – ABNT, as the following example:
Barros (2008) or (BARROS, 2008); Souza and Câmara (2013) or (SOUZA; CÂMARA, 2013); Figueiredo et al. (2014) or (FIGUEIREDO et al., 2014).

Text revision: Before you submit your manuscript, you should make a text revision. The quality, clarity and objectivity make it easy to evaluate the content of the text.


* Pages must be in size A4, margins of 1.18 in., unnumbered, without headers or footnotes.

* The text must be written in only one column.

* Font-size:

- Title: Times New Roman, bold, 14 pt, centralized, single line spacing.

- Subtitle: Times New Roman, bold, 12 pt, separated from the text for two spaces.

- Text: Times New Roman, 12 pt, single line spacing.

- Identification and subtitles of tables, figures, boxes and footnotes: Times New Roman, 10 pt, single line spacing.

* Tables, figures and boxes are headed by a number followed by a clear, descriptive title or caption, they are labeled independently of one another. They are read from the top down, so titles go above the body of the table, figure or box and are left-justified. Subtitle and source must appear below it.

* Tables and boxes must be created using some compatible tool with the text editor – do not send tables and boxes attached as figures.

* Tables, figures and graphics must be inserted in the text soon after the first time they have been mentioned.

* Tables, figures and boxes that exceed one page extension should be avoided.

* Equations must be edited using compatible software with the text editor and the variables should be identified soon after the equation.

* The International System (IS) of measures must be adopted.


* When submitting the manuscript, the complete data of all authors (no more than six) should be inserted;

Note: After the approval for publication, it is not allowed to include or change authors in the paper.

* The document must be submitted in an editable format – odt (Open Document) or doc (Microsoft Word 1997-2003);

* Since the manuscript must be submitted in an editable format, it is not necessary to remove authors’ information. The journal editorial assistants clear all identification marks and convert the doc into pdf, before sending it to the editorial board and to peer review.

* The paper should attend to the following Brazilian Standards from Brazilian Technical Standards Association (NBR of ABNT):

- NBR 6023:2002: bibliography references

- NBR 10520:2002: author system/citation date in the text body and references

Or NBR 6028:2003: summaries.

The author can verify the status of their paper by accessing their user page.



Text body:
We used the production theory described by Bilas (1993) to study the decomposition of riparian forests (DURIGAN; NOGUEIRA, 1990).

In the references:
BILAS, R. A. Microeconomics theories. Ed. 12. Rio de Janeiro: University Forensics, 1993.
DURIGAN, G.; NOGUEIRA, J. C. B. Recomposition of riparian forests. São Paulo: IEF, 1990.

* When the reference consists of more than three authors, in the text body, you can cite the first author followed by the expression “et al.”; however, all authors must be listed in the references:
WALLER, G. R.; MAGÁN-CAÑADAS, J. J.; DURIGAN, G.; NOGUEIRA, J. C. B. Caffeine Autotoxicity in Coffea Arabica L: The Science of Allelopathy. Nova York: John Wiley, 1986.

* Family relationship names, such as son, grandson, Junior, are not considered surnames, thus the reference must be as follows:
ARBEX JUNIOR, J. Nationalism: the challenge to the new post-socialist order. São Paulo: Scipione, 1993. p. 104.

Book chapter

In text:
Germination can also be linked to natural seed alkaloids, such as caffeine (WALLER et al,. 1986).

In the references:
WALLER, G. R.; MAGÁN-CAÑADAS, J. J.; DURIGAN, G.; NOGUEIRA, J. C. B. Caffeine Autotoxicity in Coffea Arabica L. In: PUTNAN, A.; TANG, C. S. The Science of Allelopathy. Nova York: John Wiley, 1986. p. 243-263.

Journal articles available or not in electronic media

In text:
Spraying plant protection products is widely used to protect crops against pests (FERREIRA et al., 2007).

In the references:
FERREIRA, M. C.; WALLER, G. R.; MAGÁN-CAÑADAS, J. J.; DURIGAN, G.; NOGUEIRA, J. C. B. Qualitative factors of the hydraulic energy tip ADGA 110015 to agricultural spraying. Agricultural Engineer, Jaboticabal, v. 27, n. 2, p. 471-478, May/Aug, 2007. Available in: <>. Access in: September 10th, 2009.

For journals available in print, follow the same example, removing the information “available in” and “access in”.

Presentations in events

In text:
Technique that makes it possible to reduce up to 30% of water consumption (MAGÁN-CAÑADAS et al., 1999).

In the references:
MAGÁN-CAÑADAS, J. J.; WALLER, G. R.; DURIGAN, G.; NOGUEIRA, J. C. B. Ahorro de água y nutrientes mediante un sistema de cultivo sin suelo con reúso del drenaje en tomate larga vida. In: CONGRESO NACIONAL DE RIEGOS. 1999, Murcia. Actas... Murcia: [s.n.], 1999, p.186-193.

Graduate thesis

In text:
The Climate is like Köppen (Cwa), with average annual temperature of 21°C and annual rainfall of 1,824 mm (MARQUES, 2003).

In the references:
MARQUES, H. S. Use of geotechnologies in the study of soil relations, orientation of slopes and spectral behavior of coffee areas in Machado, Minas Gerais. 2003. 82 p. Dissertation (Master). Federal University of Lavras, Lavras (MG).


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