Plants population and harvesting times influence in saccharine sorghum BRS 506 production


  • Ivan Vilela Andrade Fiorini UFMT
  • Renzo Garcia Von Pinho UFLA
  • Hélcio Duarte Pereira UFLA
  • João Paulo Martins Moraes UFLA
  • Jhonathan Pedroso Rigal dos Santos UFLA
  • Iran Dias Borges UFSJ campus Sete Lagoas
  • Luiz Paulo Miranda Pires UFLA



Biofuels. Brix. Ethanol Production. Fodder production. Sorghum bicolor L.


Saccharine sorghum is an excellent option for ethanol production under industrial and agronomic perspectives, due to high green matter production and succulent stalks with fermentable sugars. The aim of this work was to evaluate the harvesting season and plants population effect over the
ethanol and fodder production from sweet sorghum culture BRS 506. The experiment was installed in November 2012, at (CDTCA/UFLA), located in Lavras (MG). The experimental design was in randomized blocks, with 3 repetitions, factorial scheme 4 x 4 (4 populations: 70, 100, 130 and 160
thousand plants ha-1 ; 4 harvesting seasons: flowering (0 days after flowering (DAF), 10 DAF, 20 DAF and physiological maturity at 40 DAF). The variables evaluated at harvesting: green matter weight (GM), dry matter weight (DM), juice volume (JV), total soluble solids (ºbrix), total reducing sugars (TRS) and brix tonnes per hectare (TBH). The populations increase provided the highest JV and it has not affected other variables. The characteristics were influenced by the harvesting seasons. The harvesting season at 40 DAF provided the highest ºbrix. The ºbrix and the TRS showed linear growth with an increase after flowering for plants harvesting. The highest productivities (GM, DM, JV and TBH) were obtained close to 17, 22, 17 and 14 DAF, respectively, favoring higher fodder and ethanol
production in these stages.

Author Biographies

Ivan Vilela Andrade Fiorini, UFMT

Engenheiro Agronômo, Mestrado e Doutorado em Fitotecnia pela UFLA, Pós doutorando UFMT campus Sinop e PPGA- Programa de Pós Graduação em Agronomia UFMT campus Sinop MT.

Renzo Garcia Von Pinho, UFLA

Professor Departamento de Agricultura UFLA

Hélcio Duarte Pereira, UFLA

Mestrado em Fitotecnia UFLA; Departamento de Agricultura UFLA

João Paulo Martins Moraes, UFLA

Aluno de Agronomia UFLA; Departamento de Agricultura UFLA

Jhonathan Pedroso Rigal dos Santos, UFLA

Mestrado em Genética UFLA;Departamento de Agricultura UFLA

Iran Dias Borges, UFSJ campus Sete Lagoas

Professor de Agronomia UFSJ campus Sete Lagoas

Luiz Paulo Miranda Pires, UFLA

Departamento de Agricultura UFLA; Departamento de Agricultura UFLA


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How to Cite

Fiorini, I. V. A., Von Pinho, R. G., Pereira, H. D., Moraes, J. P. M., Santos, J. P. R. dos, Borges, I. D., & Pires, L. P. M. (2018). Plants population and harvesting times influence in saccharine sorghum BRS 506 production. Revista Agrogeoambiental, 9(4).



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