Management of urban solid waste in municipalities monitored by the 17th Cia PM Ind MAT
Environmental regulation. Inspection. Environmental police.Abstract
Established by 12.305/2010 law, the National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS) created mechanisms
and established the general guidelines for all public and private entities responsible for solid waste
management to perform their activities in an integrated and complementary way. The municipalities,
due to their constitutional responsibilities, oversaw most of the expected charges. With the objective
of diagnosing the current situation of urban solid waste management in the 72 municipalities located
in the area of activity of the 17th Independent Military Police Company for the Environment and Traffic
(17ª Cia. PM Ind MAT), the research was carried out through structured questionnaires answered
by military environmental police officers and municipal managers. The results indicate that, in most
of them, the actions and instruments of the PNRS are not being applied and, in some of these
municipalities, final disposal of wastes, even after the legal deadlines, continues being carried out in
an environmentally inadequate way.
Keywords: Environmental regulation. Inspection. Environmental police.
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