Determination of physical properties and viability in different colors of puerária seeds
Linear and Geometric Dimensions. Morphology. Pueraria phaseoloides.Abstract
The differences observed in the physical properties of the seeds may indicate types of equipment for harvesting and processing, in addition to variability between plants. In this study we carried out the characterization of seed dimensions through linear and geometric analysis and the viability by percentage defined in categories. The results showed that the studied seeds did not reach spherical shape, and their mass underwent a lot of variation resulting from the sorption and desorption process. The morphological characteristics suggested small differences in the shape of the seeds. A high coefficient of variation was observed for fresh seed mass (18.34%), volume index (18.07%); seed volume (18.07%) and the seed surface area (12.47%). Seed colorations showed differences in germination. The analysis concluded that all categories of seeds are viable. These descriptive data indicate that the combination of seed characteristics and the germination process help in methodologies for planting, harvesting, processing and storage of seeds.
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