Geotechnologies applied to remote coffee mapping and digital currency investment simulations


  • Maria Estela Pereira Rissatti IFSULDEMINAS
  • Eduardo de Oliveira Rodrigues IFSULDEMINAS
  • Luciano Aparecido Barbosa IFSULDEMINAS - Campus Inconfidentes



Coffee growing, an activity of great economic and social importance for the country, is a segment of agrobusiness that is prominent in the economy of small towns in the south of Minas Gerais, as it involves family farming and the permanence of the population in the countryside. This work corroborates the development and adaptation of methodologies based on geotechnologies that can significantly contribute to the remote mapping of coffee farming and strengthening the permanence of the rural population by providing an online platform to simulate the negotiation of their coffee production. The municipality of Inconfidentes was selected as the study area. In the development of the work, orbital images from the Sentinel-2A satellite were used. The images were classified in a supervised way with the Random Forest classifier on the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform and later used as a data source in the online platform that was developed under the Leaflet API, in which it is possible to simulate the negotiation of coffee plots involving the Coffee Coin cryptocurrency. The results showed that it was possible to identify and map the areas cultivated with coffee through Remote Sensing and that the online platform can help in the planning of new investments in coffee farming, in addition to showing an overview of the economic importance of coffee for the municipality.


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How to Cite

Estela Pereira Rissatti, M., de Oliveira Rodrigues, E., & Barbosa, L. A. (2023). Geotechnologies applied to remote coffee mapping and digital currency investment simulations. Revista Agrogeoambiental, 14(1), e20221710.

