Vegetative growth and flowering of dragon fruit species according to branch pruning management and application of superabsorbent polymer


  • Juvenal Rodrigues da Silva Junior IFSULDEMINAS-Campus Machado
  • Denis Antônio Rocha Júnior
  • José Augusto Pereira Neto
  • Fhilipe Cogo Andrade
  • Luis Lessi dos Reis
  • Jonathan Ribeiro de Araújo



Cactaceae, Hylocereus, Hidrogel, pruning, development


The cultivation of dragon fruit has been standing out considerably in Brazil, however, although on the rise, information on
the cultivation of this fruit, such as pruning management in young orchards and the use of superabsorbent polymer in the
crop, is scarce. In this sense, in order to remedy producers’ obstacles regarding the management of orchard formation, the
objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of pruning management and the efficiency of hydrogel in the vegetative
and reproductive development in two different species of dragon fruit (Selenicereus undatus and Hylocereus polyrhizus),
in addition to defining the best dose of the polymer to be used in the crop. The work was developed at IFSULDEMINAS –
Machado Campus. The design used was the randomized block design, in a factorial scheme (2x2x3), the first factor being
composed of the two species of dragon fruit, the second, by two cladode pruning levels (with and without pruning), and the
third, by three doses of the superabsorbent polymer Hydroplan-EB® (0; 1.5; 4.5 g plant-1). The following characteristics
were evaluated: number and length of shoots; total number of flowers; total number of fruits; number of aborted flowers;
picking percentage; mean fruit mass; longitudinal and transverse diameter of fruits; peel thickness; pulp yield; peel mass
and productivity. The practice of cladode pruning, as well as the application of the superabsorbent polymer, did not influence
most of the characteristics evaluated. Further studies should be conducted to delve deeper into the management techniques
used in this study.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues da Silva Junior, J., Antônio Rocha Júnior, D., Augusto Pereira Neto, J., Cogo Andrade, F., Lessi dos Reis, L., & Ribeiro de Araújo, J. (2023). Vegetative growth and flowering of dragon fruit species according to branch pruning management and application of superabsorbent polymer. Revista Agrogeoambiental, 15(unico), e20231797.