Production aspects of soybean cultivars in Machado region, south of Minas Gerais, Brazil


  • Pedro Antonio Pires Lins da Silva IFSULDEMINAS- Campus Machado
  • Roberto de Farias Filho


Palabras clave:

Glycine max (L.) Merrill. Grains Yield. Adaptability.


Due to its productive potential and importance in human and animal nutrition, soybeans occupy
a prominent position in Brazilian economy. Its cultivation in the south of Minas Gerais has been
increasing compared to other crops; however, availability of adapted cultivars still low. Therefore,
the present research was developed with the aim of evaluating different soybean cultivars productive
aspects in Machado region, Minas Gerais, in order to identify cultivars that can be recommended for
cultivation in this region. The experimental design consisted of randomized complete block design
with four replications and six soybean cultivar treatments (5D6215 IPRO, 5D634 RR, NS 7709
IPRO, NS 7300 IPRO, NS 7667 IPRO and NS 7200 RR). Seeding was conducted in the second week
of November/2015. It was verified that Machado region was suitable for soybean cultivation, since all
cultivars presented plant height and the first legume height of insertion was favorable to mechanized
harvest. Cultivars 5D634 RR, NS 7200 RR and NS 7709 IPRO obtained the best grain yield results
with 3.676,62, 3.612,45 and 3.377,90 kg ha⁻¹, respectively. Cultivars 5D6215 IPRO, 5D634
RR, NS 7709 IPRO and NS 7200 RR are within the acceptable levels of lodging for mechanized
harvesting. On the other hand, cultivars 5D6215 IPRO and NS 7200 RR demonstrate an emergency
speed higher than the other studied cultivars.

Keywords: Glycine max (L.) Merrill. Grains Yield. Adaptability.


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Cómo citar

Antonio Pires Lins da Silva, P., & de Farias Filho, R. (2019). Production aspects of soybean cultivars in Machado region, south of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Revista Agrogeoambiental, 11(2).



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