Floristics and phytosociology of a recovered stretch of riparian forest in the Machado river, Minas Gerais


  • Diego Pereira Marcelini
  • Miguel Gama Reis
  • Elenice Aparecida Fortes
  • Renon Santos Andrade
  • Walnir Gomes Ferreira Júnior IFSULDEMINAS


Palabras clave:

Ecological Succession. Ecological Restoration. Regeneration. Recovery of Degraded Area.


Riparian forests play an important role in maintaining environmental services and in conserving species of a genetic corridor for flora and fauna. The present study was carried out with the objective of analyzing the species composition and the horizontal structure at a recovered riparian forest with another native adjacent area in the municipality of Poço Fundo, Minas Gerais. A floristic and phytosociological survey of the arboreal sinusia was carried out in the areas. Were sampled 199 individuals and 24 species in the recovered area and 105 individuals and 23 species in the native area. Floristic similarity between areas was not verified. Shannon diversity was low in both areas. In the recovered area, there is a predominance of early species while in the native area there is a predominance of late ones. There was no floristic convergence between the two studied áreas. A structural convergence between the areas was verified 13 years after the beginning of the restoration.

Biografía del autor/a

Walnir Gomes Ferreira Júnior, IFSULDEMINAS

Professor do Setor de Biologia do IFSULDEMINAS - campus Machado, Coordenador do Laboratório de Botânica e Ecologia  e Curador do Herbário Geraes. Tem formação na área de Botânica e Ecologia de Plantas, nas áreas de Fitossociologia, florística, relação solo-planta, fitogeografia, ecologia de comunidades de plantas, dendrologia e manejo de unidades de conservação.


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Cómo citar

Pereira Marcelini, D., Reis, M. G., Fortes, E. A., Andrade, R. S., & Ferreira Júnior, W. G. (2022). Floristics and phytosociology of a recovered stretch of riparian forest in the Machado river, Minas Gerais. Revista Agrogeoambiental, 13(3).



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